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  • Writer's pictureCarmela Rea, Founder

Our Story: in Circles and Rectangles

We're visual. That's my husband and I. He's an architect; I was running an art media group. We were fighting the battle of our lives--3 years trying to have a baby. How do you put the infertility experience into words? How can they capture just how harrowing, heartbreaking, stressful, not to mention, how expensive it is? The feelings of helplessness, powerlessness you constantly feel? How raw you feel once you've hit bottom, realizing that it was just not working? I hit my bottom, and after speaking to my good friend about the experience, I decided to do something about it. To flip the script for others suffering with infertility.

So EggFund was born.

EMPOWERMENT, FREEDOM, and FLEXIBILITY....the exact opposite of you feel going through the process....what EggFund strives to achieve for infertility sufferers, every day.

With love,


#TTC, #ivf, #infertility, #flipthescript; @resolveorg; @egg_fund;

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